We offer services in obtaining a Grant of Probate and Grant of Administration.

Grant of Probate

When a person dies with a Will, you may apply to the Court for a Grant of Probate. “Probate” means “proof of Will”. It is the Court confirming that the Will you submit is the final and true Will of the Deceased.

grant of Administration

When a person dies without a Will, you may apply to the Court for a Grant of Administration. Also, when someone dies intestate, the distribution of his/her Estate is dictated by the Wills and Successions Act.

Why get a Grant? 

Certain institutions, such as banks and the Land Titles Office, may require a Grant before they let the Executor (Personal Representative) access the accounts or transfer land.


Fee Information

Base Fee for core legal services

Core Legal Services are discussed in Schedule 1, Part 2 of the Surrogate Rules. The recommended fees are:

+ 0.5% for Estates having a gross value of $150,000 or less
+ 1% for Estates having a gross value above $150,000

However, each Estate is unique. Some may be very simple and may not justify charging the recommended fees. Other Estates may be more complex and may lead to higher fees. Additional services that may relate to the Estate are called “Non-core Legal Services”. Disbursements and taxes are charged in addition to legal fees.

For more information or estimates, please contact our office.